Eva Emingerová trio & Cecilia Wennerström & Dankos Swinging Pack

Friday 06. 09. 2024, 20:00

Eva Emingerová Trio, Cecilia Wennerström and Danko's Swinging Pack will perform at the Old Lady's. Eva Emingerová is an experienced singer with a pleasant voice and jazz feeling. Stylistically, her range is extremely broad, from jazz of the 1920s and 1930s to Dixieland and swing to the interpretation of modern compositions. Cecilia Wennerström is a jazz musician, saxophone player, composer and arranger, educated at the music academies in Malmoe and Gothenburg. She was born in 1947 and lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Danko‘s Swinging Pack started playing 12 years ago from the initiative of Tomáš Danko. The idea was to start a swing band with talented musicians who wanted to have fun and perform in front of an audience at the same time. In the beginning the band had many members, hence the name “Danko's Swinging Pack”. Nowadays the band has permanent members. The band mostly plays songs from The American Songbook.