Libor Šmoldas ()
Libor Šmoldas is a Czech jazz guitarist.
His concert activity spans four continents and world capitals New York, Washington, Sydney, Beijing, Istanbul, Vienna, Berlin, Denver, Milan, Philadelphia, Brisbane, Melbourne and London. With his quartet, he was the first Czech jazz band to tour the USA and regularly returns there, as well as on annual concert tours to Australia and other countries. Among the world clubs where he performs are the legendary Pizza express, Smalls, Iridium, Blue Note, Dear Head Inn and Bennetts Lane.
In the Czech Republic, he has played over two thousand club concerts, leading festivals such as Prague Spring, Prague Proms, Brno Jazz Fest, Bohemia Jazz Fest, Strings of Autumn and Janáček’s May, and collaborated with top Czech jazz artists including Ondřej Pivec, Robert Balzar and David Dorůžka. He has played and recorded with world-class musicians such as George Mraz, Jeff Ballard, Sam Yahel, Bobby Watson, Adam Nussbaum, Brian Charette and Jay Anderson. Libor has won many awards, such as the Best Jazz Composition of 2014 and the Angel Award for Jazz Record of the Year with the Organic Quartet. He teaches at the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory in Prague and at international workshops in England, Germany, Greece, Italy and Australia. He has released nine albums under his own name and many more as a collaborator.
Milan „Angelo“ Novák ()
Milan „Angelo“ Novák je český kytarista.
Mladý kytarista Milan Angelo Novák, student Pražské konzervatoře, se věnuje na velmi vysoké úrovni stejně tak jazzu jako i klasické hudbě. Hraje také tradiční romskou muziku, pochází totiž z romské muzikantské rodiny. Přes svůj mladý věk má za sebou již řadu úspěchů jak na domácích, tak i zahraničních pódiích. Vystupoval se světoznámým kytaristou Fapym Lafertinim na festivalu v Belgii a účinkuje se svým triem v České republice i v zahraničí.